Thursday, January 23, 2014

about bowling on wii U

so ink is not used in printing our bowling scorepads
as it is now digital. what kind of digits?

9 10, 15 ,300 game.
there we see 100 pins, a thoughts button, and a rematch button.
so large print users can see my story, i've enabled large print tator on 

my wii u

give me strength in numbers. i never deleted my browser cookies (whatever they are) since all my data is in the wii u. i had this for 8 months and has surpassed my first wii in disc readability. as i use downloadable games and my

superiors cleaned it yesterday.
i'm a proud bowler. i like to play with a miiverse user named abby!
that is the same name as a cat we had years ago along with sweetie and twinkie. i miss those days in ambulancifornia. but this story is about bowling, not fambulance!

take a look at this picture....

it is a..... hey! my text is small!! say, that's better. i wonder why it shrinks when i delete a character that is smaller than my print!

this was done in a program called art academy sketchpad!!! this is photobook
i try my best to write on the piano and sing a uhhhhh song.
my next photo is a computer.
uhhh wendows 980?!! a simple on/off button?
i loooove paintings.
so where am i drawing next.
wait, where am i drawing next?
this is wrong. it's what am i drawing next.
this is a picture of my company logo!!!

rokk entertainment!
now why is rokk spelled like that?
it isn't a glirtch!
it is a burg 
no it's surper murior 3Dr worlders.
scan and download scan and download scan and download!!!
watch scooby doo episodes online scooby doo chase scenes that aren't mine...
rokk entertainment loves the female mind. and so does a super nintendo entertainment system.
ok, ok i didn't draw one but i drew this

it's a scripture
about friend codes and miiverse.

lets see if i get banned for writing this online!
stupid child safety rules yet children can still communicate with us adults.
strange yet i'm 30 adult sounds strange to me still!!!!!!!
miiverse is a strange way of talking to guys
that are in the form of miis.

i loooooove miiverse!
i love it with all my
sonic lost world? ok?!!!!

my sisahs kids like totally got the bronchitis in herself. the child coughing up ambulances.

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